I am sure all of you saw a lot of commercials for "incredible" products that are labeled with something like "Eat and loose weight". These statements are put there to mislead instead of help out. We all know how important it is to eat properly and most of us should know (if you don't already) that there is not one single product out there that will make you lose help without exercise. It's very simple: you eat you put on weight! If you eat healthy and exercise you can lose weight. The good news is that the European Parliament is set to talk about and discuss the situation. It is said that soon there will be a change in reglementations that will not allow companies to write fictious statements on their products. I'm sure all people that now how to live healthy will salute this!
The Marine's Revenge
Let us talk a bit about John Cena. He is a wrestler, a pretty charismatic one with huge potential that still did not reach its peak (although he is WWE Champion). He is also a rapper with a decent album, one that was a lot better than I expected. Now John Cena transformed in The Marine. If you have been watching WWE Raw you definitely saw or heard about the movie. I just saw it and I must say I was dissapointed. I was sure that John Cena was not actor material and the movie did not show that he is but it also did not show the contrary. There isn't much acting in the movie. If you want a lot of action and explosions this is the movie for you. John Cena basically kicks ass in a variety of ways. You can of course see some wrestling moves including a shoulder tackle and a nice one handed cholk slam. Besides that you will get to watch a pretty unreal movie. I can not believe that in the 20th century we still produce movies like this. Don't get me wrong, the movie is not that bad. It was funny in a couple of situations and the effects, fighting and overall action of the movie were pretty interesting. The main thing that distrubes is that John gets out of the most incredible situations without any injury at all. A gas station explodes, he is inside the shop and he survives, he falls off a cliff with a car and survives and he gets taken through buildings and still survives without anything broken. On the other side a simple John Cholk Slam through some pieces of wood destroy an opponent. HMMMM. you will see what I mean. The Marine - John Cena's first movie. My overall opinion (better than Hogan's movies but worse than many others)
Jay Cutler is Mr. Olympia
I'm sure you allo know by now but it is important to mention again: Ronnie Coleman's Mr Olympia throne was taken by Jay Cutler. After dominating the bodybuilding industry for 8 years in a row Ronnie had to settle for second best. Jay Cutler is Mr Olympia. As you could of expected it was a pretty close competition and nobody could have predicted it or not. Last year showed us an impressive Jay Cutler but he wasn't number 1 material then. He now is (or is Ronnie dropping?) A lot of questions have risen and people are already speculating on the outcome of Mr Olympia 2007. It will be whole year until that. Meanwhile Jay Cutler will enjoy his reign. The official standings of Mr Olympia 2006 are:
1. Jay Cutler
2. Ronnie Coleman
3. Victor Martinez
4. Dexter Jackson
5. Melvin Anthony
6. Gustavo Badell
7. Toney Freeman
8. Markus Ruhl
9. Dennis James
10. Günter Schlierkamp
11. Vince Taylor
12. Branch Warren
13. Johnnie O. Jackson
14. Dareem Charles
15. Troy Alves
I should mention the other winners as well:
- Mrs. Olympia -> Iris Kylie
- Figure Olympia -> Jenny Linn
- Fitness Olympia -> Adela Garcia
We wish them all the best and the runner ups need to keep on fighting.
Ronnie Coleman is in danger
Ronnie Coleman is in danger but not of loosing his Mr. Olympia rain. He is in danger of loosing the number one spot in a unofficial Best Biceps ranking. The one that is about to beat him is young Daryl Gee. Just as Ronnie Coleman he has massive and cut biceps from one edge to the other. The only real difference is that Daryl's are bigger and that is very important in bodybuilding as we all know. I think Daryl will go a long way with the help of these biceps. All around he looks pretty good but he still has a lot of work before challenging the top bodybuilders in the game. Gee is already getting noticed and specialists are taking a closer look at him every day.
Rachel McLish is 48 years old
The lovely Rachel McLish has just got to the age of 48. If this scares most women today for her it's nothing as she still looks as well as 26 years ago. That's when she won Miss Olympia, in the first year if its existance. As you can see from the picture the standards of female bodybuilding were definitely different. This is the main cause, at least from my point of view why this side of bodybuilding is constantly dropping in fans. It is a shame that women forget that they are women and it is an even bigger shame that influent people in this sport encourage this attitude. Most men today say that they really like a woman with a hot body but there is simply too much muscle on today's bodybuilding models. It's one thing to look at Trish Stratus for instance and another one to look at a woman that looks exactly as a man from the back. Leaving that aside, Happy Birthday Rachel and may your life be as beautiful as it was until now.
What body parts are usually pierced?
I just came across an interesting poll about piercings. The question was: "What body part do you have pierced?" 18% had nothing pierced while 38% had their ear pierced. This is pretty much how I thought about it with the next parts also having some support:
belly button 76 10%
tongue 70 9%
genitals 44 6%
nipple 43 6%
nose 36 5%
eyebrow 29 4%
lip 17 2%
other 20 3%
Some thoughts about smoking
Did you know that smoking first appeared around 300 years ago but only became popular after World War II? Also, did you know that every year 1 million people die because of smoking? The last 50 years showed us that cigarette smoke contains numerous substances that hurt the human body but we still keep smoking! The all talked about nicotine is a very destructive substance. Just 5 mg can kill a dog by paralizing his nerves and around 50-60 mg can do the same to any human being. Besides this substance you must know that others are even more destructive. By burning, the cigarette releases much more dangerous vapors in the air and indirectly in our lungs. There are many far worse substances in a cigarette we must deal with!
Workout motivational quotes
"live to workout. Workout to live. "
"I live for pain and long for the iron to make me weak again"
"Live Through the Pain or TAP OUT!"
"Get up prince of troy i will not have a rock steal my glory"
"If it wasn't painfully difficult then you didn't do it right "
"I knew I wasn't the biggest guy or the strongest.
What I did know is that I could outwork anyone in the joint with 100% "
"Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win."
"Losers complain, winners train"
And the final one by none other than Ronnie Coleman:
"Lifting weights beside jay cutler gives me such a massive raging bonor. I just wish i could shove my blue veined throbber into his ass every time he does a deep squat and i'd say "i'll spot you jay hunny" and then we'd make out in the showers."
WWE Diva Trish Stratus Pictures
I just wanted to post one entry dedicated to my favorite WWE Diva: Trish Stratus. The former Women's Champion (she lost the title Sunday at Wrestlemania 22) is the best diva at the moment in my opinion. Click on the links to see her pictures:
Easy Weight Loss for Dog Lovers By: Michael Bens
Once in a while we will also add some articles taken from article submision websites. We hope this will improve your experience with our blog. Here is the first one:
Easy Weight Loss for Dog Lovers
By: Michael Bens
If you need to lose weight, more than likely you are thinking in terms of diet and exercise plans, not pets. There are, however, several reasons why getting a dog may be the best thing you ever do, in terms of weight loss. Having a dog can lead to several small but significant lifestyle changes that all add up, over time!
For one thing, a dog requires a minimum of one hour a day of walking – and that’s every day, not just sunny days, and not just when you feel like it. Of course, you can just take the dog into the yard and throw the ball for it, but why not take advantage of your canine companion and go for real walks every day? It’s better for you, and better for the dog. Over time, it gets to be very enjoyable.
Some people feel that just the act of getting a new puppy is weight loss measure in and of itself. Until it’s trained, it’s more than likely to keep you on your toes – you’ll be lucky to get a chance to sit down and eat, let alone cook! That initial crazy period usually ends pretty quickly, though. Besides walking, here are some other tips for easy weight loss with dogs.
Here’s a great trick – feed any bits of food you don’t want or think you shouldn’t eat to the dog. For example, I haven’t eaten a toast crust in over two years. I used to eat them just to be rid of them. It just seems wrong to throw them in the garbage, somehow. But feeding them to the dog is nothing more or less than symbiotic. You may not think this is a great weight loss measure, by the way, but I’m sure that all those crusts add up!
I must admit (and veterinary dog food purists, close your ears!) that it goes a bit further than that. What if you have made a yummy pasta dish, and there’s just a little left, not really enough to be worth putting in a plastic container and saving? If it’s not so good, I’d throw it out, but if it is good, that puts me in a spot. I’ll probably either eat it outright despite being full, or pick away at it over the course of a few hours until it’s gone. This can be avoided if you just simply and automatically give it to the dog. After all, dogs evolved alongside humans for millennia in exactly this way. They ate the leftovers of whatever their human companions were eating. Nowadays, the pet food industry cautions us against doing so, but if the food you’re eating is reasonably healthy, who’s to say that feeding small bits of it to the dog will do the dog any harm at all?
Personally, I have, on occasion, sunk even lower than that in canine gastrointestinal abuse. There is a brand of white cheddar popcorn, marketed as ‘Smartfood’ and sold in huge bags, with about a day and a half worth of calories in each. I love it. I love it so much I have been known to eat a whole bag over the course of a few hours. It’s delicious. It’s the kind of thing I should never buy a bag of. But if I do, and I’ve ripped into it, and it’s disappearing, I can do damage control by periodically pausing in my binging to tip large amounts of the popcorn into a bowl on the floor, where it is just as quickly eaten up by the dog.
It helps to have a big dog. I don’t know that any of these measures would work so well with a little one that can’t eat quickly. It helps, also, if the dog is at least half black lab. They are purported to have iron cast stomachs, rather like goats, and this has proven to be true in the case of my dog – as proven when, at the age of eleven months, she ate four tubes of oil paint, metal and all. She ate all the reds, yellows and oranges, strangely enough ignoring the cool side of the color wheel completely – and, amazingly, suffered no ill consequences at all!
Authored by Michael Bens. For more great information on weight loss, diets, nutrition, and living a great healthy life style visit Gabae Weight Loss
Article Source: www.ArticlesBase.com
Obese Men are most likely to die after car crash

I just found out about an interesting study. It was conducted in Milwakee, USA and it showed that if the person that was involved in a car crash is obese there are more chances that he/she will not make it. A well known fact has been proven some time ago: obesity decreses the body's ability to recover after any kind of injury. Here is what the specialists said:
"Obesity imparts anatomical and physiological changes that may either protect or interfere with the body's response to injury. However, it would be a very costly process to have a car modelled on the person's shape to make it as safe as possible - that's really a bespoke car and would take a lot of money and effort to produce. It would be preferable to try to stop people having car accidents in the first place. People who are obese probably have an adverse risk profile and as such are less able to withstand adverse effects on the body and serious injury."
Weight Lifting helps women to counter Middle Age Spread

A recent study has been conducted at The University of Pennsylvania's Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. It concluded that women that lift weights two times per week have a lower chance to get the Middle Age Spread that most women are afraid of. Kathryn H. Schmitz, one of the people responsabile with the study declared:
"This study shows that strength training can prevent increases in body fat percentage and attenuate increases in the fat depot most closely associated with heart disease. While an annual weight gain of one to two pounds doesn't sound like much, over 10 to 20 years the gain is significant."
Optimists get fewer Heart Attacks

A recent Dutch research study has proven the fact that Optimists have a lot fewer chances of suffering from strokes or heart attacks than Pessimists. The reason thought is that Optimists tend to exercise more and have a bigger power of adaption to the stress of day to day life together with a straight forward going attitude. Researchers declared:
"It's likely that optimism affects cardiovascular health in a number of ways, both directly and indirectly. One possibility is that optimists are better at coping with adversity, and may, for example take better care of themselves when they do fall ill. This study suggests that being positive and optimistic as we get older may have some effect on our wellbeing and reduce the risk of heart and circulatory disease. Previous research on lack of social support, depression, and having lack of control in life showed that people may be more at risk of developing coronary heart disease. This new study adds weight to the argument that if we feel optimistic and supported it may have a positive effect on our health and hearts."
Melissa Joan Hart facts and pictures
nicknames: mel, halfpint, sa
birthday: april 18, 1976 (1:30 p.m. on Easter Sunday)
birth place: smithtown, long island, new york, usa
height: 5' 3"
eyes: blue
hair: blonde
parents: william hart & paula hart (divorced)
marital status: married to mark wilkerson of the band course of nature (july 19, 2003)
child: mason walter wilkerson (born january 11, 2006)
The incredible VIda Guerra and some facts about her

Born: Havana, Cuba, 1980
Vida Guerra famous quotes:
-> A lot of men out there don't want a girl who's all skinny; they want a voluptuous woman. My curves -- particularly my butt -- are what I get complimented on the most.
-> I go to the gym three to four times a week, try to eat healthy when I can and drink a lot of water. It really sucks to exercise but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
-> I want to get more into acting and become an actress. That's my one and only goal.
Measurements: 34C-25-37
Height: 1.60 m
Is of Cuban ethnicity.
Fluently speaks Spanish and English
Has become one of the planet's most lusted-after women since posing in FHM.
10 Tips to help you lose weight

1 . Work out at least 3 times per week
2. Don't eat much but varied and every 3-4 hours
3. Drink a lot of water
4. Don't miss any planed meal
5. Keep a jurnal so that you can note what you ate
6. NEVER miss breakfast
7. Stop trying to lose weight fast. It's better, safer and with bigger results if done properly and slowly
8. Don't cheat in your diet. To make it easier to hold you should eat what you want in one day per week. The other days should be dedicated strickly to the diet
9. Give yourself a reward once you crossed a goal you wanted to reach
10. Think possitive! You can lose weight and you are going to do it!
Things you did not know about wrestlers

I thought it would be interesting to post some fact you might not know about WWE wrestlers:
- - Steve Austin collects antiques
- - Test (Andrew Martin) was trained by the soon to be inducted in the hall of fame Bret "The Hitman" Hart.
- - Kane (real name Glen Jacobs) has a degree in English and Teaching.
- - Shawn Michaels is a huge fan of famous coutry singer, Garth Brooks
- - Vader plays the piano
- - In 1995, Buff Bagwell had calf implants. They eventually leaked and had to be removed.
- - Chris Benoit's finisher, "The Crippler Cross Face" was invented by Dean Malenko
- - Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair's first fought in October 1991. Flair won
- - Hulk Hogan received $1.8 million for the match against "Macho Man" Randy Savage at Wrestlemania V.
- - Roddy Piper was the best man at Ric Flair's wedding
- - Bret Hart is the only wrestler ever to be a triple crown winner in both the WWE and WCW.
- - Lita has the word 'PUNK' tattooed on the inside of her lower lip.
- - Vince McMahon is oldest WWE World Champion ever.
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