Rachel McLish is 48 years old

The lovely Rachel McLish has just got to the age of 48. If this scares most women today for her it's nothing as she still looks as well as 26 years ago. That's when she won Miss Olympia, in the first year if its existance. As you can see from the picture the standards of female bodybuilding were definitely different. This is the main cause, at least from my point of view why this side of bodybuilding is constantly dropping in fans. It is a shame that women forget that they are women and it is an even bigger shame that influent people in this sport encourage this attitude. Most men today say that they really like a woman with a hot body but there is simply too much muscle on today's bodybuilding models. It's one thing to look at Trish Stratus for instance and another one to look at a woman that looks exactly as a man from the back. Leaving that aside, Happy Birthday Rachel and may your life be as beautiful as it was until now.

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